Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 13310
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Centro de Orientacion e Investigacion Integral
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $134,756

Goal: Mitigate the impact of the HIV/AIDS/STD epidemic among drug users (DU) in the Dominican Republic.

Objectives:Improve the provision and quality of health services, especially sexual and reproductive health for DU and DU having other risk conditions (SW, MSM)Reduce high-risk behaviors related to HIV among DU in the targeted geographic areas.Strengthen CBOs and the Ministry of Health to develop strategies for HIV prevention in DUPromote the implementation of evidence-based strategies to improve the health of DU in targeted regions.

Geographic Coverage & Target Population: DUs in Santo Domingo, Santiago, Barahona and Higuey.

Transition Strategy: Over the 3 years of this project, COIN, in partnership with the MOH and other stakeholders, will strengthen coordination of services; identify new funding opportunities; exchange best practices; and work towards improving legislation to ensure basic human rights for drug using populations.

Cost Effectiveness: Promoting evidence-based prevention strategies with the concurrent participation of all involved stakeholders to improve the health of drug users in targeted regions will translate into the reduction of overlapping efforts, with better investment of resources.

M&E: Monthly visits to the Comprehensive Care Units, mobile clinics and groups of peer educators will be used to monitor the quality of interventions through the duration of the funding. Participating sites and sub-contracting partners will provide data on the number of DU reached with HIV testing and counseling services, number of DU treated at fixed or mobile clinics, number of DU referred through the referral system linking community services to and from clinical sites, and other indicators.

Global Fund / Programmatic Engagement Questions

1. Is the Prime Partner of this mechanism also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient, and/or does this mechanism support Global Fund grant implementation? No

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $134,756

In 2008, the Behavioral Surveillance Survey conducted by COPRESIDA (AIDS Presidential Counsel) in collaboration with the CDC/DR reported prevalence rates for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C among drug users (DU) of 8%, 10.6%, 3.2% and 2.4%, in four provinces (National District, Santiago, Barahona and Higuey). These rates were well above the national average and highlighted the need to institute effective prevention and care services specifically targeted for this population.

COIN was awarded funding in 2011 to work with DUs. COIN partnered with COPRESIDA and the MOH to develop normative guidance materials and provide training for MOH health care personnel and in two newly developed drug use treatment centers created by the National Council on Drug Use. VOLVER (subcontractor) will be in charge of training and the development of training materials and job aides. PANGAEA (subcontractor) will work to strengthen the institution capacity of all participating NGOs.

The key goals for FY2012 are to: 1) improve the provision and the quality of comprehensive health services for DU and DU with other risk factors (e.g.: SW, MSM) so that 60% of DU and overlapping MARP in targeted areas receive HIV testing and counseling, STI screening and integrated treatment and prevention packages; 2) reduce high risk behaviors related to HIV and STIs among DU in the targeted areas so that 50% of DU will report knowledge of how preventive behaviors and would report reduction in the number of unprotected sexual encounters in the previous 3 months; 3) strengthen the capacity of CBOs and the MOH to implement evidence based interventions for HIV prevention among DU linking at least 10 provinces into a network of organizations that work with DU and 90% of staff and volunteers providing prevention services will receive standardized training.

The minimum package of services to be provided will include: communication strategies to promote behavior change through peer and community education; access to VCT services; educational and informational campaigns focused on drug using populations; access to condoms and water-based lubricants, access to STI diagnosis and treatment and referral to HIV care and treatment services.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $134,756
Human Resources for Health $134,756
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Mobile Populations
Safe Motherhood